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Special Taskings confidential and covert to resolve any complex matters you may have in mind with a view to obtain, enlightement,information or to counter a difficuilty
  • Reconnaissance 
  • Intelligence Gathering
  • Private Investigation
  • Resolution

"Life is like a game of chess. Every move/decision you make can either bring you an advantage or a disadvantage. Even acting upon your wisest/planned decision can bring a negative outcome. Pieces must keep moving though. Life keeps on moving. Wins and Losses are a part of life. Sacrifices must be made at some point. Expect the unexpected. When making a decision that wasn't well thought out and have lost something BECAUSE of it, well it teaches to think twice next time, to be more vigilant. You mustn’t ever regret your decisions because every mistake is a lesson. Mistakes are part of our fate. In this fate of ours, our life, our game doesn't end till' the king is trapped/we die. Keep playing. As you lose you ironically get better, once you begin winning and continue to do so, you will keep yourself better. But even when losses come regardless your best position in the game or life, you accept them as the human you are. THAT increases your rating in life in many delightful ways! " Wink


“Life is a kind of Chess, with struggle, competition, good and ill events”


(Benjamin Franklin)

If “life is a game of chess” then it stands to reason that every move you make is an intended solution to counter your circumstances, if you are in need of assistance in deciding the next move  as you may be facing competition, struggle, good and ill events Korutaro solutions consultancy division may be able to assist with a solution to a smoother transition to a positive desired effect


The Director Mr. Elias Korutaro has for over 30 years offering highly effective solutions to members of the public, corporate and various bodies on a range of issues.


Korutaro consulting services may be able to assist on any matter that you may wish to present  personal or business related requiring a solution or resolution.


Some of our consulting projects have engaged in Specialist Covert Operations Taskings to achieve a desired outcome of any nature business or personal )

  • Intelligence Gathering Service ( Obtain information or status by stealth mode on personal or business related issues )

  • Reconnaissance Projects ( pre-action intelligence gathering Personal or business )

  • Personnel Locater Service ( Locate Hard to find persons of interest )

  • Missing Persons Service ( Locate loved ones and long lost acquaintances )

  • Unfaithful Partner Service ( Establishing the reality )

  • Legal Professionals Service ( Follow up of  clients leads )

  • Safety Concerns ( Protection advice, Planning and Arrangement )

  • Conflict Resolution ( Mediation and Resolution )

  • Workplace mystery customer or employee to establish if staff are delivering the service to standard or skimming off the company 


Our Services are priced on the magnitude of the task involved and upon agreement priced at a competitive rate , hourly or pay as you go options.    


Mr Elias Korutaro



All assignment's Handled In the strictest confidence

" Effective Solutions & Services for the desired Effect'

What You Get

We have your Venues best Interest in mind 

An experienced management team with over 30 years of active service in the investigative and specialist tasking environment . We have an extensive assistance network to gather any type of intelligence or resolve almost all issues that you may present . The Management have engaged in sensitive projects that will remain confidential and never disclosed 

Online Appointment booking system to book and schedule and appointment to discuss any matters on your mind .Simply click the Book appointments in the above menu.  

Online Invoice and payment plan payment management system for ease of payment and management 

Online Contact system where you can request a callback simply  click on the callback tab at the top of the screen or simply call the direct number number  you are provided with at the start of the service 

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